sinopsis novel dalam bahasa inggris - Review Gadget Terbaru Fajar Nugraha Wahyu


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Thursday, 28 June 2012

sinopsis novel dalam bahasa inggris

synopsis beautiful days

essay: nabila nurkhalisah harris(bella) 8 year

publisher: dar mizan

yard total: 104 matters.

theme: life at reformatory.

channel: progress.

point of view: third person mengaan

language: easy memengerti

figure figure;

good the character flower, wise, cheerful person, venturesome and he is very sad

billa good the character, like to eat, permanent well, annoying, like to make butterball.

chintya good the character, clever, kind-hearted, smart funny sweet and clever embroider.

catherine in character much the same to with chintya.

detya good the character, venturesome, easy associate.

rafli good the character, wise and easy worry.

cahya and marsha good the character, funny, concerned, loving pity.

mother arma good the character, patient, humane, popular everybody.

bik sum the character so fierce.

good the character daughter, penyabar, not reckless.

salwa good the character, not reckless, smart.

tea ana good the character, wise, firm.


flower and billa live in house annasyir. they are not has father and mother. although orphan, they are adroit child se cliff village middle. flower reachess champion 1 race paints, dance, compose poetry and learn by heart surah short. billa merih champion 1 race makes handicraft.


one day billa temenung at why does he not has father and mother. and he is at adoption so much. billa more opting fun life at compares friendship mempanti. at mother house arma is mopping then annisa even also via off hand without be careful and final annisa fallen down and faint. and annisa at bring by mother to hospital. and anissa at verdict is hitted gegar light brain.


after annisa quite better from illness and may go home to house detya at invite to a place and he doesn't know what place is this. he is at bring to place klup high level exponent woman. to at ajr personality a woman child. at dalm club at very senag because taught woman walk and taham aim maturity. there he always at humble and ridiculed by miss agatha. because at consider stupidest.


final after some years at club detya more adulter at compare other the friend. and detya even also go home and get great welcome from the friends that misses to him and mother arma join in to greet arrival detya that alight from pedicab. and mother even also embrace children.


tenyata training that given that club not only personality, but also at teach in that club is the example cooks. he brings by by bahan- dish ingredient.  and detya even also remember daughter anniversary momentarily and final the friends is taught to make anniversary cake by detya. and annisa first mengeuasai memsak this anniversary cake.


on mother temple anniversary orders all childrens bangaun prepare shock for daughter. salwa that be this shock coordinator prepares plan for daughter anniversary shock. and salwa prepare clothes that fit to make him and make daughter. and annisa, detya and flower prepares anniversary cake. temple even also startled see shock that given the friends and the friends membei pronunciation with prayer for daughter.


tea ana with a heavy heart decide to sir director workers out from that arable land factory for. sad mother and touched hear tea word ana and say istigfar and advise it. and there annisa that hear conversation a while ago,  and nisa get offer for tall school. but nisa doesn't want to separate degnan teman- friend. and on mother persuasion arma and friends final nisa even also want tall school.


billa begin mersa be fed up with life at house. he wants to go from house. he wants tall school, has family, and and mejadi one who successful. flower haves that billa more think individual delight than friendship.


we don't capitulate in life this although bothing that support us.

we must berhati heart in berjaln so that must not happen matters not at want,

we must resolute endure test in life this.

synopsis novel

at compile by:
 fajar nugraha wahyu

8.2 /13

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