karya tulis/makalah dalam bahasa inggris - Review Gadget Terbaru Fajar Nugraha Wahyu


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Thursday, 28 June 2012

karya tulis/makalah dalam bahasa inggris


work writes


year 2011

work writes
name: nis:

year 2011
praise and thank god author climb kehadirat allah the almighty and most worthy of praise because on karunia- author can finish work write scientific have a title “uan as determinant kelulusan”. also say many thank to sides that bayak help and involved, mengantaranya:
work writes scientific this made to fulfill class indonesian lesson task 9 in semester two. author realizes that human not loose from error and has deficit. so that not all the things finely in works write this. author does work writes this as according to ability that has, so request is understood if (there are) any deficit and or error.
good work write this can erudition increase and be of benefit to all.

table of contents

preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
table of contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
list lampiran…. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

chapter i foreword
a. surface belakang…………………………………………… 1
b. formulation masalah………………………………………. . . 2
c. tujuan……………………………………………………. 2
d. manfaat…………………………………………………… 3
chapter ii study pustaka…………………………………. . 4
chapter iii data explanation and finding penelitian……………………………………………………… 7
chapter iv simpulan and suggestion
a. simpulan…………………………………………………. .
b. saran……………………………………………………….
list pustaka…………………………………………………………
supplement list
chapter i
a. background
behaviour deviates to grow among consequence society less economy problem the balance, especially towards adolescent indonesia often use minum-minuman hard and prohibitive medicines. may be they are inattentive from their parents or may be also because users invitation or the friends.
drug abuse towards students sma and smp berawal from tender from drug distributor. at first they are given several times and after they felt dependence towards that drug, so distributor begins to sell. after they are mutual buy drug, they are orderred distributor to invite other the friends to tries prohibitive medicines.

drug first time made by english person and first time distributed to asia landing region begins from china, hongkong, japanese to indonesia. drug at most sent to asia region heroin and morphine. in indonesia also begin there that produce marijuana kind drug, pill lexotan and pill extaci
drug usually mengonsumsi by plutocrat children, inattentive from the old person. usually they consuming pill kind lexotan and extaci because purchasing process and its use easier and practise. in the begining they drink grog at discotheque or pothouse,  but long too long they begin to wear drug.

problem formulation
 but does effect [of] drug abuse?
 but are drug causes go around mengalangan adolescent?
b. aim
author aim makes work writes scientific this as information for reader about drug appearance history and can detect drug causes go around mengalangan adolescent and effect [of] drug abuse. author will hope work will write scientific this will useful.
c. benefit
author hopes from work writes scientific this, reader can detect explanation about age child education early (paud) with deeper another explanation about child education since age early, can reader erudition increase about child education, can insight increase and information given the influence from child education since age early, and or can share information with another person about paud. also hope reader can take benefit from work write scientific this.
chapter ii
book study
drug abbreviation from narcotics san medicine or dangerous ingredient. besides “narkoba” term other that introduced especially by republic of indonesia well-being departement napza that be abbreviation from narcotics, pskotoprika and substance adiktif. all this terms is drug good or napza threaten in sekolmpok substance usually has addicted risk for the user.
as to various cause that make various adolescent circle falls to with drug that is:
1. undercommunication perhatuan and religion education from family
parents sample figure by children belongs insides life aspect everyday, child that has busy parents and doesn't has many times for the child certain has different behaviour with child that has parents memilki many times with the child. .
2. influence lingkugan not good.
majority adolescent yag live in metropolis runs life individualistic and materialistic. so that once in a while insides chase luxury they are able goes without take notice that thing good or bad.
3. psychology pressure that undergone adolescent
several adolescent experience when at home caused divorce existence or parents falling-out that causes the child doesn't feel comfortable at home and causes him look for self-satisfy by illed temperament.
4. fail dalan education
adolescent that in education or doesn't get education, has free time many. if at that time is not maked use as well possible, refraction is bad matter when he gets matters not good to fill the time vacancy.
5. modern technology development
with development tekonologi modern in this time like to accessing information swiftly. easy and infinite also make easy adolescent to mendapt comfort disagree with they.
basically drug abuse consequence divisible be physical consequence and psikis. consequence that sure depending to drug kind that used, use manner,  and long use.
several physical consequences brain damage, heart disturbance, kidney, lung,  and infection hiv/aids pass hypodermic needle use by turns. for example, around 70 injection drug user percents at china tular hiv/ aids. in indonesia, since this latest some years is case total hiv/aids tular passes hypodermic needle use among appear barcotic user increases sharp. consequence other also emerge as drug use manner complication passes injection, blood vessel infection for example and embolism.
beside above mentioned consequence, happen also influence towards alive rhythm that be confused like to sleep, eat, drink, bathe,  and another cleanliness. furthermore, alive rhythm confusion makes easy incidence various disease.
consequence psikis may be happen apathetic attitude, euphoria, labile emotion, depression, suspicion groundless, fly off the handle behaviour, until experience ill soul.
physical consequence and psikis can evoke consequence farther may be disturb social connection with another person. even often also harm another person. for example, fight and traffic accident that because executant doesn't stay in normal conditon, physical good also psikis.

chapter iii
data explanation and watchfulness finding
follow development communication forum member and indonesia child construction (fkppai), (2007: 46) pedidi that given in child early on can give base erudition spiritually, emotional,  and intellectual in achieve potential optimal. if education has been given correctly as according to talent and entrant environment so five or ten years to the fore our country has asset sdm have a certain quality and strong so that can compete with nation other and has superiority
education that begun for child aged under 3 year this usually called with pre school or school for baby. principal lesson that is taught more in a mood for growth and physical development soes a kind of gymnastics or movements is followed with english-speaking song that is taught in child child intelligence increase in speak and communicating. one of [the] name

baby school in indonesia that is tumble tots that open branch at various region. school for this baby is expensive relative the cost but very influential for child development.
chapter iv
simpulan and suggestion
a. simpulan
early on, education for child best embedded because make individual self-supporting child, strong, intelligent, believe in, fast catch, discipline, future is more encana, child more make provision against world outside and child can mengaktualisasi education in societal life.
b. suggestio

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