[a] bersifat degenerasi
[a] bersifat degenerasi
[n] (1) Ling bagian suatu uraian atau kalimat yg dapat mendukung atau menambah kejelasan makna; (2) situasi yg ada hubungannya dng suatu kejadian: orang itu harus dilihat sbg manusia yg utuh dl -- kehidupan pribadi dan masyarakatnya
[n] (1) Ling bagian suatu uraian atau kalimat yg dapat mendukung atau menambah kejelasan makna; (2) situasi yg ada hubungannya dng suatu kejadian: orang itu harus dilihat sbg manusia yg utuh dl -- kehidupan pribadi dan masyarakatnya
[n Kim] (1)penggabungan suatu zat dng oksigen; (2) pelepasan elektron dr suatu partikel (molekul); (3) penguraian mineral yg mengandung logam oleh 02 dan menimbulkan karat yg merupakan satu bentuk pelapukan kimia
[n Kim] (1)penggabungan suatu zat dng oksigen; (2) pelepasan elektron dr suatu partikel (molekul); (3) penguraian mineral yg mengandung logam oleh 02 dan menimbulkan karat yg merupakan satu bentuk pelapukan kimia
gratitude,compliment,and congratulation
Gratitude is expression that used to
said thank you to other people.
Kind of gratitude expression are :
Thank you very much.
I am grateful to……
I want to thank……
I want to express my gratitude to
I keep forgetting to thank you for……
Respon of expressing :
· You are welcome.
· Don’t mention it!
· Not at all.
· It was nothing at all.
· No problem.
· Glad to be of help.
· (it was) my pleasure.
· I am glad I could help.
· I am glad I could do it.
· I am glad I could be of help.
Compliment is expression that used to give praising to other people. Some people use compliment to better up someday or to flatter in order to increase good will.
Expressing :
o What a nice dress?
o You look great.
o You look very nice.
o I really must express my admiration for you.
o Good grades.
o Excellent.
o Nice work.
Time to expressing compliment :
o On his/her general appearance.
o If you notice something new about the person’s appearance.
o When you visit someone’s house for the first time.
o When other people do their best.
Congratulation is expression that used to said congratulate to someone when get a success.
Expressing :
v Let me congratulate you.
v Congratulations on your successful business.
v My congratulations on your success.
v Congratulations on your promotion.
v Good!
v That’s great!
v How fortunate.
v Splendid.
v Pretty good.
Responding :
v Thank you.
v Thanks, I needed that.
v That’s very kind of you.
v It’s very kind of you to say that.
v Do you really think so?
v You’ve made my day!
v The same to you.
v I’m glad you like it.Thank you, it’s nice of you to say so.
Kind of gratitude expression are :
Thank you very much.
I am grateful to……
I want to thank……
I want to express my gratitude to
I keep forgetting to thank you for……
Respon of expressing :
· You are welcome.
· Don’t mention it!
· Not at all.
· It was nothing at all.
· No problem.
· Glad to be of help.
· (it was) my pleasure.
· I am glad I could help.
· I am glad I could do it.
· I am glad I could be of help.
Compliment is expression that used to give praising to other people. Some people use compliment to better up someday or to flatter in order to increase good will.
Expressing :
o What a nice dress?
o You look great.
o You look very nice.
o I really must express my admiration for you.
o Good grades.
o Excellent.
o Nice work.
Time to expressing compliment :
o On his/her general appearance.
o If you notice something new about the person’s appearance.
o When you visit someone’s house for the first time.
o When other people do their best.
Congratulation is expression that used to said congratulate to someone when get a success.
Expressing :
v Let me congratulate you.
v Congratulations on your successful business.
v My congratulations on your success.
v Congratulations on your promotion.
v Good!
v That’s great!
v How fortunate.
v Splendid.
v Pretty good.
Responding :
v Thank you.
v Thanks, I needed that.
v That’s very kind of you.
v It’s very kind of you to say that.
v Do you really think so?
v You’ve made my day!
v The same to you.
v I’m glad you like it.Thank you, it’s nice of you to say so.
com·pli·ment (k
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
1. An expression of praise, admiration, or congratulation.
2. A formal act of civility, courtesy, or respect.
3. compliments Good wishes; regards: Extend my compliments to your
parents. See Usage Note at complement.
tr.v. com·pli·ment·ed, com·pli·ment·ing, com·pli·ments
1. To pay a compliment to.
2. To show fondness, regard, or respect for by giving a gift
or performing a favor.
[French, from Italian complimento, from Spanish cumplimiento,
from cumplir, to complete, from Latin compl
![]() ![]() ![]() |
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth
Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published
by Houghton Mifflin
Company. All rights reserved.
a remark or act expressing respect, admiration, etc.
(usually plural) a greeting of respect or regard
to express admiration of; congratulate or commend
to express or show respect or regard for, esp by a gift
[from French, from Italian complimento,
from Spanish cumplimiento, from cumplir to complete, do what is
fitting, be polite]
Usage: Avoid confusion with complement
English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers
1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
Compliment of sycophants—Madden.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and
Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
congratulations, extolment, kudos, praise - an expression of
approval and commendation; "he always appreciated praise for his
trade-last - a
compliment that I heard about you that I offer to trade for a compliment you
have heard about me
flattery - excessive or
insincere praise
fulsomeness, smarm, unction - excessive but
superficial compliments given with affected charm
compliment - say something to someone that expresses praise;
"He complimented her on her last physics paper"
praise - express approval
of; "The parents praised their children for their academic
compliment - express respect or esteem for
greet - send greetings to
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2011 Princeton
University, Farlex Inc.
praise, honour, tribute, courtesy, admiration, bouquet, flattery, eulogy She blushed, but
accepted the compliment with good grace.
praise criticism, complaint, condemnation, reproach, sideswipe, disparagement
praise criticism, complaint, condemnation, reproach, sideswipe, disparagement
plural noun
greetings, regards, respects, remembrances, good
wishes, salutation
Give my compliments to your lovely wife when you write home.
noun greetings insult
congratulations, praise, commendation That was
an excellent meal - my compliments to the chef.
praise, flatter, salute, congratulate, pay
tribute to, commend, laud, extol, crack up (informal),
pat on the back, sing the
praises of, wax lyrical about, big
up (slang, chiefly Caribbean), speak highly of They complimented me
on my performance.
praise blast, condemn, flame (informal), insult, put down, criticize, reproach, disparage, decry, tear into (informal), diss (slang, chiefly U.S.), lambast(e), reprehend
praise blast, condemn, flame (informal), insult, put down, criticize, reproach, disparage, decry, tear into (informal), diss (slang, chiefly U.S.), lambast(e), reprehend
Usage: Compliment is sometimes
confused with complement.
Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition.
2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
Select a language:
compliment [ˈkompləmənt]
an expression of praise or flattery
He's always paying her compliments.
[kompliˈment] v
to praise or flatter He complimented
her on her cooking.
adj compliˈmentary [-ˈmen-]
1 flattering
or praising complimentary remarks.
2 given
free a complimentary ticket.
with compliments
used when sending a gift etc With
compliments from a secret admirer'.
Author: English
• Sunday, February 08th, 2009
Compliments: Expressing Thanks
Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for helping me.
Thank you for your assistance.
Thank you for phoning me.
Thank you for assisting me.
Thanks you for your kindness.
Thank you for a prompt reply. (letter, email).
Thank you for listening to me.
Thank you for such a warm welcome.
Thank you for the ride.
Thank you for take me home.
Thank you for such a nice gift.
Thanks a lot for an inspiring book. (after accepting book as gift)
Thank you for your attention. (after giving a presentation)
Thank you for helping me to solve the problems.
Thank you for your financial assistance.
Thank you for spending time with me.
Thank you for showing me the way. (after someone show you the direction).
You are my valentine. (meaning: you are my love/beloved/lover)
Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for helping me.
Thank you for your assistance.
Thank you for phoning me.
Thank you for assisting me.
Thanks you for your kindness.
Thank you for a prompt reply. (letter, email).
Thank you for listening to me.
Thank you for such a warm welcome.
Thank you for the ride.
Thank you for take me home.
Thank you for such a nice gift.
Thanks a lot for an inspiring book. (after accepting book as gift)
Thank you for your attention. (after giving a presentation)
Thank you for helping me to solve the problems.
Thank you for your financial assistance.
Thank you for spending time with me.
Thank you for showing me the way. (after someone show you the direction).
You are my valentine. (meaning: you are my love/beloved/lover)
Expressing Compliment.
Nice way to express further compliments.
You may use the following sentences after expressing thanks.
Nice way to express further compliments.
You may use the following sentences after expressing thanks.
You are such a nice boy.
You are such a nice girl.
You are my best friend.
You’ve given me great help.
You’ve help me a lot during my difficult situation.
You are such a wonderful person.
You’ve given me so much help.
You’ve shown me great kindness.
You’ve helped me during my difficult time.
You’ve help me a lot.
You’ve shown me the way to solve my difficult problems.
You’ve spend much of you time with me.
You are a great mom. I love you.
You are a great dad. I love you.
You are a great friend. I love you.
You are such a nice girl.
You are my best friend.
You’ve given me great help.
You’ve help me a lot during my difficult situation.
You are such a wonderful person.
You’ve given me so much help.
You’ve shown me great kindness.
You’ve helped me during my difficult time.
You’ve help me a lot.
You’ve shown me the way to solve my difficult problems.
You’ve spend much of you time with me.
You are a great mom. I love you.
You are a great dad. I love you.
You are a great friend. I love you.
The best compliment of all:
I love you. (Say it earnestly)
Compliment (Mengungkapkan pujian)
Contoh Percakapan:
X: Excuse me, Sir. May I know what
car you drove? Its really a wonderful car.
Y: Em... It's Mercedes Guardian
X: Ow... Of course! This car can hold out the missile and uncapable to broke by tank. That's terrific.
Y: I'm glad you like it. Thank you.
*Insipired by Breaking dawn novel <3
J: I'd like to compliment you on your speciality in decorating your home garden.
D: Thank you, but i really isn't anything special.
J: Really! This is very beautiful. I feel the fressia flower trough my head, the smell... oh! it so great.
D: Well, it's nice to hear that from someone with your experience!
Y: Em... It's Mercedes Guardian
X: Ow... Of course! This car can hold out the missile and uncapable to broke by tank. That's terrific.
Y: I'm glad you like it. Thank you.
*Insipired by Breaking dawn novel <3
J: I'd like to compliment you on your speciality in decorating your home garden.
D: Thank you, but i really isn't anything special.
J: Really! This is very beautiful. I feel the fressia flower trough my head, the smell... oh! it so great.
D: Well, it's nice to hear that from someone with your experience!
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