[a] secara sungguh-sungguh dan terus menerus dl mengerjakan sesuatu hingga memperoleh hasil yg optimal
[a] secara sungguh-sungguh dan terus menerus dl mengerjakan sesuatu hingga memperoleh hasil yg optimal
· hanking
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
- Thanks a lot.
- Thank you very much.
- Thank you very much indeed.
- It was very kind of you.
- I appreciate your help.
- You’ve been very helpful.
Thanking someone who tires to help
- Thanks anyway.
- Thank you for (looking).
- Thanks for (trying).
- It doesn’t matter. Thanks.
- Never mind. Thanks.
to thanks
- You’re welcome. (US)
- Not at all. (formal, UK)
- Don’t mention it.
- (It’s) my pleasure.
- It was nothing.
- That’s alright/OK.
- No problem.
- Any time.
Thank you.
Thanks a lot.
I appreciate it.
Thanks for the helping me.
Thanks for your time.
Thanks for your hospitality.
Thanks a lot for your kindness.
Thank you for everthing.
Thank you. I appreciate your
Thanks a lot. You’ve been so
Thank you for the nice gift.
Thanks for such a prompt reply.
(When receiving letter or email).
Thank you for your services.
Thank you for your sympathy.
Thank you for your expression of
Thank you for the nice gift.
I appreciate your kindness.
I sincerely appreciate your kind
You are so kind during my visit
here. Thanks you very much.
Thank you for showing me such a nice
Thank you for giving me great
solutions to my problems.
Thank you mom. I love you.
Thank you dad. I love you.
Thank you sister. You are so sweet!
Thank you my sweet heart.
Thank you my love.
Thank you for the lovely present my
Hematoporphyrin (Photodyn, Sensibion) adalah endogen porfirin dibentuk oleh hidrolisis asam dari hemoglobin
congratulation - the act of acknowledging that someone has an occasion for

speech act - the use of
language to perform some act
2.congratulation - (usually plural) an expression of pleasure at the success
or good fortune of another; "I sent them my sincere congratulations on
their marriage"
plural, plural form - the form
of a word that is used to denote more than one
verbal expression,
verbalism, expression - the
communication (in speech or writing) of your beliefs or opinions;
"expressions of good will"; "he helped me find verbal expression
for my ideas"; "the idea was immediate but the verbalism took
Expression of Congratulation, Compliment, and Gratitude
Expression of Congratulation, Compliment, and GratitudeSeveral expressions of congratulating, complimenting, and thanking:
Congratulation ] is an expression that we use to give the congratulation utterance when he/she succeeds in doing something.
· Congratulations!
· Congratulations on your success!
· Happy birthday!
· Happy Lebaran Day/Happy led!
· Merry Christmas!
· Happy New Year!
· Happy Valentine!
· Happy anniversary!
Compliment ] is an expression that we show or say to express/give praise. Some people use compliments to “butter up” somebody or to flatter in order to increase good will, for example:
* on his/her general appearance
* if you notice something new about the person’s appearance
* when you visit someone’s house for the first time
* when other people do their best
· What a nice dress!
· You look great.
· You look very nice/beautiful/handsome.
· I really must express my admiration for your dance.
· Good grades!
· Excellent!
· Nice work!
· Good job!
Gratitude ] is an expression that we show or say to express grateful feeling to other people. When speaking English, you say “thanks” very often. Please say “thank you” when people give you something, help you do something, wish you something and give you a compliment etc.
· Thank you very much
· Thank you for your help
· I’m really very grateful to you
· You’re welcome
· Don’t mention it
· It’s a pleasure / My pleasure
· I want to express my gratitude to (my teacher, my father, etc)
· I am grateful to your help
Obat antivirus adalah kelas obat yang digunakan khusus untuk mengobati virus infeksi . [1]
Seperti antibiotik untuk bakteri , antivirus spesifik yang digunakan untuk virus
tertentu. Unlike most antibiotics, antiviral drugs do
not destroy their target pathogen; instead they inhibit their development.
Tidak seperti antibiotik yang paling, obat antivirus tidak menghancurkan
patogen target mereka, melainkan mereka menghambat perkembangan mereka.
adalah peradangan pada satu atau lebih dari sendi-sendi tubuh. Biasanya diikuti
dengan nyeri dan kaku terutama pada pagi hari atau setelah berolah raga. Selain
nyeri dan kaku, gejalanya juga bisa bengkak, pembentukan tulang yang berubah
dan/atau berkurangnya lingkup gerak/keterbatasan gerak, sehingga anggota tubuh
tertentu tidak dapat berfungsi lagi sebagaimana mestinya.
Kalimat Majemuk Setara
HADZUKAOn Jumat, Oktober 28, 2011
Berdasarkanklausa pembentuknya, kalimat dapat
digolongkan menjadi : (a) kalimat tunggal,yaitu kalimat yang hanya terdiri atas
satu klausa, dan (b) kalimat majemuk,yaitu kalimat yang terdiri atas dua klausa
atau lebih. Dalam hal ini syaratklausa minimal SP, yaitu syarat minimal bagi
kalimat tunggal. Karena itukalimat majemuk dapat dibuat dengan cara
menggabungkan beberapa kalimattunggal.
kalimatmajemuk dapat digolongkan lagi menjadi : (a) kalimat majemuk setara,
(b)kalimat majemuk bertingkat, (c) kalimat majemuk rapatan, dan (d)
kalimatmajemuk campuran.
Kalimattunggal telah kita bahas sebelumnya. Kali ini kita hanya membahas
kalimatmajemuk setara beserta pengertian dan contoh-contoh penggunaannya.
Kalimatmajemuk setara adalah kalimat majemuk yang memiliki dua klausa atau
lebih yangmemiliki kedudukan yang setara. Kedudukan klausa yang setara pada
klausa-klausanyasebagaimana contoh berikut.
Kalimattunggal :
(1) Ayah membaca
(2) Ibu memasak
di dapur.
Dibentukmenjadi kalimat majemuk setara menjadi :
Ayah membacakoran
dan ibu memasak di dapur.
O konj.
Kalimat majemuksetara tersebut kedua klausanya memiliki kedudukan yang sama
tinggi, yaitutidak ada yang menjadi induk kalimat dan tidak ada yang menjadi
anak kalimat.
Kalimat majemuksetara dapat digolongkan lagi menjadi :
A. Kalimat Majemuk Setara
B. Kalimat Majemuk Setara
C. Kalimat Majemuk Setara
D. Kalimat Majemuk Setara
E. Kalimat Majemuk
Setara Menguatkan
A. Kalimat Majemuk
Setara Menjumlahkan
Kalimatmajemuk setara
menjumlahkan sering disebut juga kalimat majemuk setara sejalan.Kalimat majemuk
setara ini menyatakan penjumlahan atau penggabungan kegiatan,keadaan, peristiwa,
dan proses. Konjungsi atau kata penghubung yang digunakanadalah : dan,
serta, baik, maupun.
(1) Ita dan
kakaknya sedang berada di Jakarta.
(2) Ibu serta
ayah menghadiri rapat di balai desa.
(3) Mencuri maupun
merampok adalah tindakan melawanhukum.
(4) Baik saya maupun
dia tidak menyetujuikeputusanmu.
B. Kalimat Majemuk
Setara Mempertentangkan
Kalimatmajemuk setara
mempertentangkan menyatakan apa saja yang disampaikan padaklausa pertama
dipertentangkan dengan klausa kedua. Konjungsi yang digunakanadalah : tetapi,
sedangkan, bukannya,melainkan.
(1) Ibunya
menyetujui tetapi ayahnya menolaknya.
(2) Ia pergi ke
Jakarta sedangkan saya pergi keDenpasar.
(3) Aku yang
mencarimu, bukannya dia.
(4) Aku tidak
mengkhianatimu, melainkan dia yangmelakukannya.
C. Kalimat Majemuk
Setara Memilih
Kalimatmajemuk setara memilih
menyatakan pilihan di antara dua pilihan atau lebih.Konjungsi adalah : atau.
(1) Kamu pergi
dengannya atau tetap bersamaku disini.
(2) Kamu minta
nasi goreng atau rawon.
(3) Berbicara atau
menulis merupakan keterampilankreatif.
(4) Aku atau
diakah yang kau pilih?
D. Kalimat Majemuk
Setara Mengurutkan
Kalimatmajemuk setara mengurutkan
menyatakan kejadian yang berurutan. Konjungsi yangdigunakan adalah : lalu,
(1) Saya pergi
sekolah lalu ke masjid dekatalun-alun.
(2) Mereka datang
bersama-sama kemudian pergisatu-persatu.
E. Kalimat Majemuk
Setara Menguatkan
Kalimatmajemuk setara menguatkan
menyatakan makna yang lebih kuat bagi klausasebelumnya. Konjungsi yang
digunakan adalah : bahkan.
(1) Dia pergi ke
sendiri, bahkan dengan berjalankaki.
(2) Dia memarahi bahkan
menghajar kami semua.
Selasa, 19 Mei 2009
Gratitude, the way to said thank you to other people.
- è To express gratitude you can say :
Thank you
I’m greatful
I want to thank …
I want to express my gratitude to …
I keep forgetting to thank you for ..
- è Respone of expressing :
You are welcome
Don’t mention it
Not at all
It was nothing at all
No problem
Glad to be help
Congratulation, to said “good” for other people.
è To
express congratulation you can say :

è Respone
of expressing :

Example congratulation :
1 :
: Who won the football match yesterday?
: Our team did. We won three to one
: Congratulation. I’m glad to hear it
: Thank you
: Happy birthday, Marry. Many happy return of the day
: Thank you, Betty. You are the first me who congratulates me
: Oh realy? Here is a little present for you. I hope you like it.
: Thank you very much. You are realy my best friend.
Compliment, to give praising to other people. Some people use compliment to
“better up” some day or to flatter in order increase good will.
compliment some one, for example :
- Ø On his / her general appearance
- Ø If you notice something new about the person’s appearance
- Ø When you visit someone’s
- Ø House for the first time
- Ø When other people do their best
è Expressing :

Diabetes mellitus merupakan penyakit endokrin akibat defek
dalam sekresi dan kerja insulin atau keduanya sehingga terjadi defisiensi
insulin relatif atau absolut dimana tubuh mengeluarkan terlalu sedikit insulin
atau insulin yang dikeluarkan resisten sehingga mengakibatkan kelainan
metabolisme kronis berupa hiperglikemia kronik disertai berbagai kelainan
metabolik akibat gangguan hormonal yang menimbulkan komplikasi kronik pada
sistem tubuh. 5
Gratitude, Compliment and Congratulation
• Gratitude
Gratitude is an expression that we show or say to express grateful feeling to other people, when speaking English, you say “thanks” very often please say “thank you” when people give you something and give you compliment, etc.
Kinds of gratitude expressions are :
- Thank you very much
- Thank you for you help
- I’m really very grateful to you
- You’re welcome
- Don’t mention it
- I want to express my gratitude to (my teacher, my father, etc)
Respond of expressing :
-You are welcome
-Don't mention it
-It was nothing at all
-No problem
- I am glad I could help
• Compliment
Compliment is an expression that we show or say to express/give praise. Some people use compliment to “butter up” somebody or to flatter in order to increase good will, for example :
- On his/her general appearance
- If you notice something new about the person’s appearance
- When you visit someone’s house for the first time
- When other people do their best
Kinds of compliment expressions are :
- What a nice dress!
- You look great
- I really must express my admiration for you dance
- Excellent!
- Nice work
- Good Job
• Congratulation
Congratulation is an expression that we use the give the congratulation utterance when he/she succeeds in doing something
Kinds of Congratulations are :
- Congratulation
- Congratulations
- Congratulations on your succeeds
- Happy Birthday
- Merry Christmas
- Happy New Your
- Happy Valentine
- Happy Anniversary
A. Giving The Congratulation
- Let me congratulate you
- Good
- That’s great!
- How fortunate
- Pretty Good
B. Replying To The Congratulations
- Thank You
- Thank, I needed that
- That’s very kind of you
C. Surprising
- Oh, it was very interesting! I want to the sea world
- It was fun! Went out with my classmate
Read carefully the dialogue below then practice with your friends
Rosa : How was your school party, Zenny?
Alia : It was fun! We sony song and danced
Gratitude is an expression that we show or say to express grateful feeling to other people, when speaking English, you say “thanks” very often please say “thank you” when people give you something and give you compliment, etc.
Kinds of gratitude expressions are :
- Thank you very much
- Thank you for you help
- I’m really very grateful to you
- You’re welcome
- Don’t mention it
- I want to express my gratitude to (my teacher, my father, etc)
Respond of expressing :
-You are welcome
-Don't mention it
-It was nothing at all
-No problem
- I am glad I could help
• Compliment
Compliment is an expression that we show or say to express/give praise. Some people use compliment to “butter up” somebody or to flatter in order to increase good will, for example :
- On his/her general appearance
- If you notice something new about the person’s appearance
- When you visit someone’s house for the first time
- When other people do their best
Kinds of compliment expressions are :
- What a nice dress!
- You look great
- I really must express my admiration for you dance
- Excellent!
- Nice work
- Good Job
• Congratulation
Congratulation is an expression that we use the give the congratulation utterance when he/she succeeds in doing something
Kinds of Congratulations are :
- Congratulation
- Congratulations
- Congratulations on your succeeds
- Happy Birthday
- Merry Christmas
- Happy New Your
- Happy Valentine
- Happy Anniversary
A. Giving The Congratulation
- Let me congratulate you
- Good
- That’s great!
- How fortunate
- Pretty Good
B. Replying To The Congratulations
- Thank You
- Thank, I needed that
- That’s very kind of you
C. Surprising
- Oh, it was very interesting! I want to the sea world
- It was fun! Went out with my classmate
Read carefully the dialogue below then practice with your friends
Rosa : How was your school party, Zenny?
Alia : It was fun! We sony song and danced
Ribavirin (nama merek: Copegus, REBETOL, Ribasphere,
Vilona dan Virazole) adalah obat anti-virus diindikasikan untuk berat RSV infeksi (individual),
infeksi hepatitis C (digunakan dalam hubungannya dengan peginterferon alfa-2b atau peginterferon alfa-2a ) dan lainnya infeksi
virus. Ribavirin is a prodrug , which when metabolised resembles purine RNA nucleotides . Ribavirin adalah prodrug , yang ketika dimetabolisme menyerupai purin RNA nukleotida . In this form it
interferes with RNA metabolism required for viral replication. Dalam
bentuk ini mengganggu metabolisme RNA yang diperlukan untuk replikasi virus. How it exactly affects viral replication is unknown; many
mechanisms have been proposed for this (see Mechanisms of Action, below) but
none of these has been proven to date. Bagaimana persis mempengaruhi
replikasi virus tidak diketahui; berbagai mekanisme telah diusulkan untuk ini
(lihat Mekanisme Aksi, di bawah) namun tidak satupun dari ini telah terbukti
sampai saat ini. Multiple mechanisms may be
responsible for its actions. Beberapa mekanisme mungkin bertanggung
jawab atas tindakannya.
COUNTER LINE - Kontra-jalur, imbang-
an-jalur; lazimnya dikenal sebagai counter-melody-line atau counter melody (= kontra melodi).
Independen (sering disingkatkan menjadi indie),
dapat berarti 'bebas', 'merdeka' atau 'berdiri sendiri'. Selain itu istilah
independen juga digunakan dalam
kontraproduktif1. bersifat tidak (mampu) menghasilkan; tidak
menguntungkan: upaya membangkitkan rezim lama sangat -- thd arus reformasi
adalah penderita
asam perasetik
Lingua franca (bahasa
Latin yang artinya adalah "bahasa bangsa Franka")
adalah sebuah istilah linguistik yang artinya adalah "bahasa
pengantar" atau "bahasa pergaulan" di suatu tempat di mana
terdapat penutur bahasa yang berbeda-beda. Ayatrohaedi
menerjemahkan istilah ini dengan istilah basantara, dari kata
"basa" atau "bahasa" dan "antara".
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